Adventures in Buttons

By | March 16, 2017

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the Indiana Button Society’s annual Button Show with my friend, Carol.  Having been to many bead shows that incorporated some button dealers, I thought I knew what I was getting into, but the whole button show experience was totally new.

We paid our admission and were given adorable nametags embellished with cute buttons.  And then we entered into a hotel ballroom full of people with boxes upon boxes of buttons, all neatly labeled and carded. It was a tiny bit overwhelming.  I generally do not have the patience to sort through lots of boxes while shopping.


But all of the vendors had their cards arranged by subject and type of button.  It made it all fairly easy to browse.   Since I hadn’t come to the show with any specific button needs.  I did some casual flip throughs of the boxes, and mostly stuck to the inexpensive grab bags of buttons.  I found a few treasures there.

At the back of the room was a display of button cards that were being judged on their merits.  I snapped a few quick pics of an embellished button card that caught my eye.  It reminded me of the fun embellished button swap that I did with Diane Fitzgerald, Stepheny Hornblow, and their beady ladies.  I also did a fun button swap with my Siever’s bead girls. That reminds me that I still need to do something with all those buttons…

Embellished-Button-Card-Full Embellished-Button-Card-Close-Up
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Another fun treasure was this cute little display of tiny plate beads.  They made me long for my ever so brief doll house days.


A few more passes around the room yielded several treasures.   I found several inexpensive grab bags of buttons which will hopefully be turned into jewelry in the near future.   And I found two spectacular cicada buttons that had to come home with me. metal-ball-buttons French-Tights-ButtonsThe small ball shaped buttons would make great centers for beaded flowers.  And those little metal florals will be fun to play with.  I also found some fun vintage glass buttons set in metal, and a bag full of tiny red glass shank buttons. Vintage-glass-buttons-in-settings Vintage-Red-Glass-ButtonsAnd you can never go wrong with mother of pearl.   I can’t believe this bag of carved buttons was only $10.  Most of them are larger than a quarter. Carved-Pearl-buttons Pearl-Shank-Buttons And finally the treasures of the day, the cicadas. Cicaida-Button Pink-Glitter-Beetle-ButtonI know nothing about either button, except that they are both glass.   The top one looks a bit Japanese to me.  The bottom one was just screaming my name.  Hot pink glitter and bugs all in one?   It had to be mine.

I also bought a few blank button cards to jazz up my studio.  I certainly have enough buttons at home to fill up a few just for fun.   This is what most of the buttons were displayed on.  Some were grids, some were random arrangements.  They are all sturdy mat board.  And most of the buttons were wired on with bits of telephone wire.  The lady who sold me the button cards threw in a free jar of wire bits.  Button-Card-Radial Button-Card-Concentric

The vendors were all nice and helpful when asked questions.  There were even refreshments on hand.   All in all it was a great way to spend a few hours on a Saturday afternoon.   Next year, I will go with a better plan, and hope to come home with some real treasures.

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